Welcome to the foundation of Mentors for Hillsborough County Veterans (MHCV). We are veterans who are dedicated to the men and women in Tampa Bay's Veterans Treatment Court (VTC).
Why We Do What We Do:
Driven by the U.S. military values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and moral courage, the volunteer mentors are Tampa Bay’s unsung heroes whose daily actions positively impact the well being of its local veterans and our community. They continue to pay it forward without any expectation of compensation or recognition. In fact, their “reward” is in the grateful acknowledgment from those veterans and their families and their well-being. The volunteer veteran mentors are the “quiet warriors” who will not rest until every veteran in trouble with the law is provided the needed resources to get well again and successfully reintegrate into our community.
Our Mission Statement:
To help identify, treat, rehabilitate, and to seamlessly reintegrate the veteran back into the community where he or she earlier swore to protect and defend; Serve as a platform for community awareness and education of the VTC program; Provide training and advisory support to requested VTC programs (intra and interstate levels); Advocate for pertinent Veterans legislation (local, state and federal levels).
Matthew 25:35-40

15 Feb: VA dismisses 1K employees:
20 Dec: Federal level VTC and Mentors Program initiative coming to Tampa Bay: 2 Men on a Mission: How a veteran and attorney fight to leave no soldier behind
20 Aug: https://www.fox13news.com/news/retired-air-force-veteran-reflects-years-service-community-leadership
17 July: Celebrating recent successes of the 988 Veterans Crisis Hotline Line: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/more-veterans-in-crisis-are-calling-for-help-since-the-suicide-and-crisis-lifeline-changed-its-number-to-988
04 July: WFTS ABC Coverage of Tampa VTC program, and current pilot program supporting
Veterans in the federal court system: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/helping-a-fellow-soldier-expanding-the-veterans-treatment-court-to-federal-court
07 June: The Riverside Recovery of Tampa Bay's VALOR program is in the VA Community of Care Network and has been supporting the nationally acclaimed Tampa FL Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) since 2017. "Leave no Veteran behind. Until they all come home."
28 April: Interview with Ed Narain, 101.5FM the Vibe, VTC Judge Michael Scionti and Hillsborough County State Attorney Suzy Lopez. Session starts at 19:43 mark, Frontpage Tampa Bay April 28 2024.
24 February: Thanks to Tampa City Councilman Luis Viera for sharing this Bay News 9 segment on one of our success stories in the Tampa VTC program. Leave no Veteran behind. #tampavtc
02 February: Recent local media interview on the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) and Veteran Mentor Program on Tampa Bay Arts and Entertainment with host Kim Droege.
Additionally, I make note of collateral initiatives as a result of issues observed in VTC - such as current efforts in low cost, affordable Veteran housing, and potentially establishing a federal level, VTC and Mentors Program in the Middle District of FL:
01 December: TBAE Kim Droege interviews Tampa VTC Judge Michael Scionti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0xoriXsBqM
02 November: 2023 UofTampa Ethics Award: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/retired-florida-veteran-wins-tampa-bay-business-ethics-award
13 October: 10 Year Anniversary and Awards Event, Tampa VTC and Mentors Program: https://www.wtsp.com/video/news/national/military-news/veterans-treatment-court-helps-service-members-get-back-on-track/67-26fb8f0b-3cc2-4492-9f0b-f528a860208b
09 August: Reminder for PACT ACT filing for retroactive benefits: https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2023/08/09/deadline-to-file-for-pact-act-benefits
05 August: VetFest at Tropicana Field helping local community Veterans with PACT Act and other health services: https://www.wfla.com/news/pinellas-county/vetfest-helps-bay-area-veterans-learn-
03 July: (WFTS ABC): Focusing on Fireworks: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/how-fireworks-may-negatively-impact-local-veterans
16 June: (FOX 13 Tampa) Tampa prosecutors, defense attorneys, and Tampa judges come together to help veterans:
12 June: US Secretary of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans - Bio:
29 May: Tampa VTC Mentors program support to Memorial Park Cemetery upkeep, while focused on expanding its program at the Federal Court level: https://www.fox13news.com/video/1227364
03 February: US Congresswoman Kathy Castor (FL-14) announces the selection of Colonel DJ Reyes (USA retired) to attend the 7 February 2023 POTUS State of the Union Address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE9epMJd0og
27 January Combat Stress Magazine: Leveraging the Power of Community to help our Veterans
24 November Fox 13's Gloria Gomez coverage of Tampa Veterans Treatment Court Judge and Veteran Mentors providing Thanksgiving Turkey meals to its Veterans and families in need:
12 November WFLA Bloom Host Gayle Guyardo interviews VTC Judge Michael Scionti: https://www.wfla.com/bloom/tampa-judge-helps-fellow-veterans-transition-into-civilian-life/
04 September: Veterans Corner Radio Interview. Veterans Treatment Court Interview 5 of 5 - Perspectives from the Senior Veteran Mentor Program Coordinator, Tampa VTC. https://www.buzzsprout.com/952243/11247260-veterans-treatment-court-mentor-number-one-gives-a-little-background-on-the-start-of-the-court-but-more-importantly-how-he-has-worked-to-spread-the-program-across-the-nation-retired-colonel-dj-reyes-has-much-to?t=0
03 September: Commentary on PACT Act (Burn
Pits/Toxic Exposure), Combat Stress Magazine, Summer/Fall edition: https://www.stress.org/wp-content/themes/Avada-child/lib/3d-flip-book/3d-flip-book/?mag_id=63543&token=58030
22 August: WFLA/WTTA Bloom TV interview with host Gayle Guyardo: PACT Act (Toxic Exposures): https://www.wfla.com/bloom/the-most-comprehensive-veterans-health-care-bill-that-addresses-toxic-exposures-is-now-law/
17 August: "The Leadership Void" Veteran Podcast with Vince and Enrique: Thoughts on the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), veteran legislation, leadership and advice to our next Greatest Generation of military leaders:
29 July: WFTS-ABC 28 interview on the failed US Senate vote for S3373 (PACT Act/Toxic Exposures): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyAg33tHpHM
27 June: Status of HR3967 "Toxic Exposures/Burn Pits" legislation and the impending approval and POTUS signing into law: #HR3967 #ToxicExposures #BurnPits
17 June: WFTS ABC interview with Wendi Lane on the impact of HR3967 PACT Act: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-sarasota-manatee/bill-to-help-with-burn-pit-care-moves-forward-could-help-millions-of-impacted-veterans
16 June: Senate passes historic Veterans Health legislation (HR3967 PACT Act) - House anticipates final vote enroute to POTUS for signature: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/16/senate-burn-pit-bill-biden-00040195
11 March: US Congresswoman Castor and Veterans Legislation Update/Roundtable:
04 March: US House passes Toxic Exposures (Burn Pits) PACT Act:
12 January: Local Veterans' Wellness through Veterans Treatment Court and recent Burn Pits legislation signed into US Law:
11 November: WFTS ABC segment on Tampa's VTC Program: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-hillsborough/special-hillsborough-veterans-court-provides-treatment-instead-of-sending-troubled-vets-to-jail
12 October: Reverend William Corby Award: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=655211478796066
22 February: Veterans Corner Radio (Podcast):
01 December: Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) "ChangeMakers" p46: https://www.moaa.org/micro/changemakers/changemakers/
26 November: Fox13 Gloria Gomez covers VTC Mentors' Annual Thanksgiving Meal Program for its VTC veterans:
12 November: StepUpAmericaProgram.org Podcast "The Franklin Project": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYFUzlqt8jY
11 November: LTG James Peake Community Service Award (Bay Area Legal Services):
21 August: Radio Interview 1180AM WFYL (Phila, PA) on Tampa's VTC and Mentor Program:
21 August: Pandemic Poses Challenges For Veterans Treatment Courts
13 August: Tampa City Councilman Viera hosted panel with VTC Judges Michael Scionti and Gregory Holder, and senior veteran mentors DJ Reyes and Jim Fletcher:
8 August: POTUS signs VTC Legislation into law:
28 July: WFLA Bloom 38 TV Interview with Gayle Guyardo on VTC and HR886
21July HR886 VTC Bill Passed:
15 July Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero Award (Video):
https://tampabay.box.com/s/d8yavl77lxiolxi85qz1ovkx6zbru9xu (Video)
22 April VTC legislation commentary:
2025 VTC Schedule: 0900, 5th Floor Courthouse Annex, 800 E. Twiggs St, Tampa FL
Jan 24; Feb 21; Mar 7; Apr 11; May 9; Jun 6; Jul 11; Aug 15; Sep 12; Oct 10; Nov 7; Dec 12